24 Nov

Du Patrimoine local à la citoyenneté européenne

Du Patrimoine local à la citoyenneté européenne“ war ein Freiwilligendienstprojekt in Frankreich, wie der Titel erahnen lässt. Genauer gesagt in der Nähe von Rennes. Es handelte sich um einen kurzen Dienst, der auch eher an ein Workcamp erinnerte. Es ging vorrangig darum tatkräftig anzupacken und Altes zu renovieren und zu modernisieren. Unser Freiwilliger Taha war dort für einen guten Monat beschäftigt und hat einen kleinen Bericht verfasst. Auf Englisch, weil Deutsch nicht seine Muttersprache ist.

From the first day we came, everything seemed to be well planned for example the responsibilities, the budget for food and activities, the activities to be done in the four weeks span.
I liked the transparency as well in terms of money and including us in choosing the best way to use the available budgets.
For the work itself they tried to serve the main purpose of the volunteering itself which is the reparation of the path by creating two teams such that each day a team is working from 9 to 5 in the path and the other team is working in the camp site for preparing the logistics of the food and cleaning.

Nevertheless I don’t think a day passed without having an activity at night that the two teams can participate in. Also there is always an activity during the working hours that the camp team can participate in of course without compromising their logistical duties.
The weekends are full pleasure time whether visiting other volunteers or making trips to other cities or beaches.

Third point is the local community which I appreciated the most, getting to know the locals by hosting party for them and participating in their activities as dancing classes and learning local dishes, dances and traditions was a great things. In return the locals really expressed a great hospitality, I remember when we were going around the village knocking doors and inviting people to the party and telling them about work each door knock would include an half hour conversation in which we are offered beer and food as well.

All in all I think so far the experience went beyond my expectations and comparing to volunteering I did or participated in organizing before they are really exceptional.