11 Feb

European Solidarity in Action

„European Solidarity in Action“ ist ein Freiwilligendienstprojekt in Estland. Genauer gesagt in Viljandi. Unser Freiwilliger Jonas ist dort seit Beginn des Jahres noch bis zum Ende dieses Jahres. Er hat für uns und auch für die Koordonierende Organisation in Estland einen Bericht geschrieben. Also, nicht wundern: er ist auf Englisch! Here we go:

Since this was my first month, I’ll start over from the beginning.

When I arrived at the airport in Tallinn in the evening, I was greeted by my coordinator Caroline and even got a little tour of the city until my train left.
Since it started snowing at the same time, my first impression was very overwhelming, as it looked so beautiful on the streets (and I can already anticipate that nothing has changed in this view until now!).

Aiki was waiting for me in Viljandi and took me to my apartment, where my roommate Clara arrived almost at the same time.
I felt that I was in good hands with all three of them over the entire period: Caroline contacted me several times to inquire about me and to support me with organizational matters, Aiki and my tutor Anne also looked after me well and even took me for my ID-card to police and town hall, as I didn’t have a tutor there yet.
Caroline has now organized one for me, but I haven’t met him yet.

I like it very much at my work, I even had the chance to help out at another unit one morning.
Working with clients is really different and sometimes quite heartwarming, although (or maybe even because) there is a language barrier.
But I work every day to overcome this barrier by studying with my online language course and occasionally trying to practice with the clients what I have learned. Fortunately, the project gives me the opportunity to improve in this regard, but also to develop my English skills with other volunteers, to go on small trips and in general to get more out of myself.

My volunteer colleague Çağatay is very sympathetic and together with the clients, we have built the biggest snowman I have ever seen!
I get on well with Clara, too. Together with other volunteers, she organized a successful meeting in Viljandi, which led to the planning of further joint activities for the coming month.
Furthermore, in February I will try to get even more involved at work in order to be a really helpful worker.
I would also like to continue to improve my language skills and meet a lot of new people.
The only thing that worries me a little at the moment is the fact that, contrary to expectations, I experienced no culture shock at all yet.
But maybe that will change in the course of the second month, at least I’m confident. 🙂